

The ModernUI_Spinner is a control typically used when loading, pre-loading or processing something and to hint or indicate to the user something is occurring.

ModernUI_Spinner Functions

Function Description
MUISpinnerAddFrame Adds an image handle (previously loaded) to the control
MUISpinnerAddFrames Adds an array of image handles (previously loaded)
MUISpinnerAddImage Adds a single image handle (previously loaded), to rotate
MUISpinnerAddSpriteSheet Adds a spritesheet - an imagestrip of animation frames
MUISpinnerCreate Creates a new ModernUI_Spinner control
MUISpinnerDisable Disable and hide the spinner animation
MUISpinnerEnable Enable and show the spinner animation
MUISpinnerGetProperty Gets the value of a property
MUISpinnerLoadFrame Loads an image from a resource and adds to the control
MUISpinnerLoadFrames Loads an array of resources and adds the frames
MUISpinnerLoadImage Loads a single image from a resource, to rotate
MUISpinnerLoadSpriteSheet Loads a spritesheet from a resource
MUISpinnerPause Pause the spinner animation
MUISpinnerRegister Registers a window class for the ModernUI_Spinner
MUISpinnerReset Reset the spinner’s current frame
MUISpinnerResume Resume the spinner animation
MUISpinnerSetProperty Sets the value for a property
MUISpinnerSpeed Set the spinner animation speed (in milliseconds)

ModernUI_Spinner Messages

Message Description
MUISPNM_ADDFRAME Adds an image handle (previously loaded) to the control
MUISPNM_DISABLE Disable and hide the spinner animation
MUISPNM_ENABLE Enable and show the spinner animation
MUISPNM_LOADFRAME Loads an image from a resource and adds to the control
MUISPNM_PAUSE Pause the spinner animation
MUISPNM_RESET Reset the spinner’s current frame
MUISPNM_RESUME Resume the spinner animation
MUISPNM_SPEED Set the spinner animation speed (in milliseconds)

ModernUI_Spinner Properties

Property Type
@SpinnerBackColor MUICOLORRGB
@SpinnerSpeed MUIVALUE
@SpinnerDllInstance HINSTANCE

ModernUI_Spinner Property Descriptions


Background color (MUICOLORRGB) of the ModernUI_Spinner control. By default will try to obtain the color of the parent’s background color otherwise will default to GetSysColor value returned by COLOR_WINDOW


A value (MUIVALUE) indicating speed in milliseconds of the ModernUI_Spinner control frame animation. Default speed is 80 milliseconds


Used for loading resources when ModernUI_Spinner control is used in a dll. Default is NULL